R O O M 7 1 2 在 2 0 2 3 年 1 0月 2 0至 3 1日 舉 辦 了 1 2 晚 展演 。 是次 展演 邀請 了 7 位 表 演 藝術 家 並 作 出 不 同 表 演 的實驗 ,
如 即 興 演 出 、公 開綵 排 、 Work in Progress 展演等 , 成 為 藝 術 家 的 試 鍊 場 。

Room712 held a 12-night showing from October 20th to 31st, 2023. This showing invited 7 performance artists to conduct various experimental performances, such as improvisation showing, open rehearsals, work in progress showing and more, serving as a testing ground for the artists.

(Movement Showing)
Created by Carmen Yu


“Is To Feel...”
(Solo Performance)
Created by Carmen Yu, Performed by Heidi Yau

(Solo Performance)
Created by Heidi Yau, Performed by Carmen Yu

(Solo Performance)
Created by Fonteyn Ho

「輕/重」 Juggling
(Work in progress showing)
Created by Charles Huang

“ I drag deep thought word”
(Work in progress showing)
Created by Yat Hei Woo

(Solo Improvisation)
Created by Hong

(Movement Research Presentation)
Created by Rex Cheng

(Duo Improvisation)
Created by Rex Cheng & Hong

Duo Improvisation Research & Sharing
Performed by Carmen Yu & Fonteyn Ho

Trio Improvisation Research & Sharing
Performed by Carmen Yu, Fonteyn Ho & Hong

Open Rehearsal by Carmen Yu
Performed by Fonteyn Ho, Heidi Yau Ho & Hong

Studio Workshops

R O O M 7 1 2 每 月 均 邀 請 本 地 藝 術 家 舉 行一 連 串 表 演 藝 術 工 作 坊 予 大 眾 參 與。
Room712 invites local artists every month to hold a series of performing art workshops for public participation.

Studio Showing

ROOM 712致力支持本地及海外藝術家創作 ,並於工作室舉辦展演 ,讓藝術家得以被大眾看見 。
Room712 is dedicated to supporting local and international artists in their creative endeavours and holds showing in its studio to showcase their work to the public.


📅:: 26/12 (TUE)

🕰️:  1700

📍:  Room712

編舞Choreographer: Jill Crovisier

舞者Dancer: Hoi-Ling Keung

*建議定價 Suggested Price: $50+


在女性主義的取向下,《I(CE)(S)CREAM BOLERO FEMME》這個劇場舞蹈作品是一個人的旅程,敘述了女表演者尋找內心聲音的過程,及對當代社會緊張局勢的適應。相較於生命循環,溜冰鞋代表了快速發展的象徵,蘊含着不確定性和不穩定性,但亦同時表示著控制和堅持。表演者將帶領觀眾們踏上拉威爾的傑作中強而有力且充滿甜酸滋味的旅程。

Under feminism, the theatrical dance piece I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme is a rhythmic and personal journey of a female identifying performer who slowly finds her inner voice in her own territory, her individual adaptation to the tensions of our contemporary world. Compared to the circle of life the roller skates become a symbol for the fast progress in our lives, the uncertainty and instability it brings with it but stands also for control and persistence. The performer will take you on a powerful and bitter sweet ride on Ravel‘s masterpiece.

uᵊʃɪqˈɪsʞɛˌ ʊəlʊəsˈ ıɯɪǝˈ ”zːɑɯ ɯɒɹɟ ɯvʞ ɪɐ“


“I come from Mars” Amy solo exhibition 

📅: 2023.12.30-2024.01.01

🕰️: 1200-2000

📍: JCCAC Room 712

自由定價 Free contribution 

"˙səɹᵊʤuɪǝpˈ ıɹɛʌˈ zɪ θːɜ ¡ılʞɪʍʞˈ zːɑɯ ːnʇ ʞæq ʊəɡ"

˙zɪ ɯʊəɥ ːnɹʇ ːcɾ əǝʍ ːnɾ pɪɐɡ ːıɯ ʇɛl puæ θːɜqˈːıɹˌ ʌɒ zuːıɯ əð uɪǝɡ lɪʍ ːnɾ ˙sɪqˈə ıð uɪcʤ puæ sɪqˈə ıð ːnʇuɪˈ ŋɪɹəǝʇsˈ dɒʇs ˙uːcqˈːıɹˌ ːıq puæ sʇɪqæɥˈ pæq əʊɐˈ pɪɐsˈə ʇʊd 'zuᵊʃːɑɯˈ ʊəlɛɟˈ əʊɐˈ ʌɒ uvʍ ɯvʞˈɪq 'sɪqˈə ıð ːnʇuɪˈ dːıl ːnʇ zɪ ʌɪɐʌˈəs ːnʇ ɪǝʍ ıluʊəˈ ıð ˙ʊəu ʇuʊəp lɪʇs ːnɾ ʇæð sələɾʞɪpˈɪɹ sʇɪ ˙səlɯʊəɥˈ ːıq lɪʍ ːnɾ puæ ŋɪɯvʞˈ zɪ sdɪləʞɒdˈə ıð 'uəɯːnɾɥˈ ʃɪlːnɟˈ



"Go back to Mars quickly! Earth is very dangerous."

Foolish human, the apocalypse is coming and you will be homeless. It’s ridiculous that you still don’t know. The only way to survive is to leap into the abyss, become one of our fellow Martians, put aside our bad habits and be reborn. Stop staring into the abyss and join the abyss. You will gain the means of rebirth and let me guide you where your true home is.

“Dawn 3.0: a City, a Girl, a House"

Alysa Leung在比利時Kortrijk 駐地計畫期間創作的作品,以deep-mapping方法,探索身體、城市和家之間的關係 今次回到 712, 她將分享以當地作靈感(city-specific)創作的現場表演,和舞蹈影像 (Dance Film);同時探索工作室作為展演載體的可能。

💭Dance Film: “a City, a Body, a House” 

到埗第一天,她和影像導演 @kltscorsese 在城市間探索,邊觀察邊拍攝; 往後數天,他們透過影像記錄和當地人互動,重塑對身份的想像,從異地探索和家的距離。 

💭Studio Performance:“a City, a Girl, a House" 

結合當地和先前在香港的準備,在旅程結束之前,她和當地人分享現場表演 “a City, a Girl, a House" 。 

概念/演出: Alysa Leung 
影像導演: Anson Sham
劇場構作:  Evelyn Wan

2024/02/18 (日)
3pm-4pm* @room 712
報名:請DM Room712/walk in
自由定價 Free Pricing

[異同之曖昧地帶 Ambiguity of Difference & Similarity]
網上直播演出 - 余巧兒X彭靖
@camenyuuu_ X @pang_jing


日期: 2024年5月24日 (星期五)


< 熔爐 X Room 712 >共同策劃
@performance_art_furnace_hk X @room7.12

[Ambiguity of Difference & Similarity]
Live Streaming Performance - Carmen Yu X Jing Pang
@camenyuuu_ X @pang_jing

It’s a process based creative research, the ambiguity of difference and similarity unfolds with the following six elements: body, time, space, action, material, and audience. How do the definitions of nouns in language delineate the boundaries of reality? How do non-verbal communication and interaction give birth to the absurdity of alienation and dislocation?

Date: 24th May 2024 (Friday)

Time: 1930

co-presented by < FURNACE X Room 712 > 

@performance_art_furnace_hk X @room7.12



- 以比利時劇作家梅特林克的《群盲》作為起點

- 以JCCAC七樓一個586呎的空間為載體

- 以演員和舞者的碰撞和狂想為主軸

- 以大量酒精、煙草、咖啡為(某幾位)創作者的推動力

- 以觀眾為見證人,一起在六月的黑夜和寂靜中,大聲吶喊狂歡


📅 : 26, 27, 29, 30/6 

🕰️ : 20:00 

📍 : 賽馬會創意藝術中心JCCAC 7樓12B,Room712

🎟️ : $120




現場音樂:Hirsk aka 農尚青



