Room712自家設計產品 Room712 Self-designed products
尼龍手提袋Tote Bag 選用超輕身尼龍料,可裝13吋Macbook!手提長度超就手!唔會頂住手肘~放假文青Mode用又得,趕住排舞裝衫又得!
Made of ultra-light nylon material, it can hold a 13-inch Mac-book! The handle is perfect for carrying. It is great for a casual vibe during holidays, and also perfect for rushing to rehearsals!
-尺寸Size: 35cm X 40cm; 手提長度 Handle Length: 35cm
-顏色 Colour : 白色 White /墨綠色 Dark Green
-售價Price: $100
鎖匙扣 Keychain
Room712, so of course there is a special keychain for the room! With the keychain on your key, you definitely won't lose it!
-售價Price: $50
貼紙 Sticker
歡迎周圍貼!Feel free to stick around!
-售價Price: $5